Upcoming Events

Potomac Valley Irish Wolfhound Club Specialty

03/30/2025 - 03/31/2025

Harford Equestrian Center, Bel Air, MD

Conformation: John Lewington (Greycroft)
Sweepstakes: Lynn Baker
Obedience & Rally: Sara J Steele


Heart of Ohio Irish Wolfhound Association Specialty


Montgomery County Fairgrounds, Dayton, OH

Conformation: Jacqueline Carswell (Carnasserie)
Sweepstakes: Frances Abrams (Tailstorm)
Junior Showmanship: Mary Miller

Irish Wolfhound Association of the Carolinas Specialty


Fayetteville Kennel Club Grounds, Fayetteville, NC

Conformation: Jocelyne Gagné (Starkeeper)
Sweepstakes: Linda King (Ard Rhi)

Irish Wolfhound Club of Canada - BC Branch Specialty


Fraser Valley Heritage Park, Mission BC, CA

Conformation: Knut Olav Wille (O’Marksbay)
Sweepstakes: Anne-Birgitte Larsen

Irish Wolfhound Club of America - 95th National Specialty

05/25/2025 - 05/29/2025

Cache County Fairgrounds
450 S 500 W
Logan, UT

Conformation Classes Judge: Elisabet Janzon, Wolftone
Puppy Sweepstakes Judge: Maura High, Coleraine
Obedience/Rally Judge: Melvin Stanley
Junior Showmanship Judge: Jamie Souza Bartlett, Limerick
ASFA Lure Coursing Judges: Phil Fullam, Mike Hussey

Specialty Chair: Tracey Luty
Assistant Specialty Chair: Mary Sharkey-Christian

Irish Wolfhound Association of New England Specialty

06/07/2025 - 06/08/2025

Showcase for Dogs, East Windsor, CT

June 7 
Fun Day

June 8 
Conformation: Roger Tebbutt (Caredig)
Sweepstakes: Jonathan Harvey (Cualainn)

Irish Wolfhound Club of Puget Sound Specialty


Washington County Fairgrounds, Hillsboro, OR

Conformation: Melanie Mercer DVM (Wyvern)
Sweepstakes: TBD


Northstar Irish Wolfhound Club Specialty - Back to Back

06/14/2025 - 06/15/2025

Isanti County Fairgrounds, Cambridge, MN

June 14 
Conformation: Anne Webb (Foinaven)
Sweepstakes: Michele Ivaldi

June 15 
Conformation: Ludovica Salamon (Della Bassa Pavese)

Irish Wolfhound Association of the West Coast Specialty - Back to Back

07/25/2025 - 07/26/2025

Location: TBD

July 25 
Conformation: TBD
Jr Showmanship: TBD
Rally & Obedience: TBD

July 26 
Conformation: TBD
Sweepstakes: TBD

Rocky Mountain Irish Wolfhound Association Specialty - Back to Back

08/27/2025 - 08/29/2025

Island Grove Regional Park, Greeley, CO

August 27  
Lure Coursing

August 28 
Conformation: Lisa Dubé Forman (Ballyhara)
Junior Showmanship: TBD
Obedience/Rally: TBD

August 29  
Conformation: Per Lundström (Greirish)
Sweepstakes: Mike Hussey (Dunree)

Irish Wolfhound Association of Lake Erie


Hamlin Fireman's Field, Hamlin, NY

Conformation: Lynn Simon (Rockhart)
Sweepstakes: Donita Osborne (Wolfhaven)

Irish Wolfhound Club of Canada - Mid Western Branch and National Specialty

09/20/2025 - 09/21/2025

Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada

Conformation-National: Debbie Tebbutt (Caredig)
Sweepstakes-National: Trudy Taphorn

Conformation-MWB: Roger Tebbutt (Caredig)
Sweepstakes-MWB: Rosemary Young

Irish Wolfhound Association of the Delaware Valley Specialty

10/04/2025 - 10/06/2025

Church of St. Benedict Picnic Grove, Mohnton, PA

October 4 
LGRA & Fun Match

October 5 
Conformation: Jean Timmins (Cornovi)
Sweepstakes: TBD
Rally: TBD

October 6 
Conformation: Jean Timmins (Cornovi)

Northern California Irish Wolfhound Club Specialty - Back to Back

10/10/2025 - 10/12/2025

Yolo County Fairgrounds - Woodland, CA

October 10 
Conformation: Andrea Dormady (O’Lugh)
Obedience/Rally: Geri Lopez
ASFA Lure Trial: TBD

October 11 
Conformation/Jr Showmanship: Sheila Paske
Sweepstakes: Diane Collings

October 12 
AKC Lure Test & Trial: TBD

Wolfhounds and their owners at a LGRA event