"Texas 72" - Donation Update

"Texas 72" – Donation Update – December 29, 2014 – Permission to cross post

By now most of you have received the latest issue of the Focus, the Irish Wolfhound Foundation’s publication which in part covered the rescue efforts in Texas. Within, a firsthand account of how things unfolded by Ann Sury, thank you Ann for telling the story! For those who have not seen the Focus it can be viewed and downloaded from the Foundation’s website.

I am pleased to report that the fundraising has been very successful, including the anonymous 5K matching challenge that was fulfilled within days of its announcement. The Foundation has received over $80,000.00 in donations earmarked for the “Texas 72” and paid out expenses totaling $48,000.00 to date. This leaves us a comfortable balance that will fund the final efforts needed to place these hounds in their forever homes. The list of donors where compiled for publishing at the end of October and as stated, any donations received after that would be acknowledged in our next publication. Not meant to slight any other donations that came in after publication, I would like to thank the Irish Wolfhound Association of New England for their sizable donation.

Acknowledgements aside, let’s remember what has been accomplished by this huge rescue effort that was made possible by a caring community; these hounds are now living a better life because of it.

Best Regards and Happy New Year.

Doug Marx – President, Irish Wolfhound Foundation

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